Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hello 2010

Dear 2010,

2009 was a good year, but I hope you have even greater things in store... like helping me make it to graduation and finding me a good job. That would be really great. It would also be really awesome if you taught me how to stop worrying about little things and just enjoy the ride, because I have a feeling you are going to be quite a year and I want to soak up every minute of it. I hope you bring love and happiness to all my friends and family, especially all those that are getting engaged and married this year. And as you are sure to bring many changes, I hope you manage to keep us all close and loved. No pressure 2010, but we all have high hopes for ya. :)

Love, hugs, and new beginnings...

On another note... I had an amazing time in Niceville with Nick and his family! He showed me all around Niceville and Destin and I got to meet a bunch of his friends from high school at dollar margarita night. His family is wonderful and overall we just had a great time. Unfortunately, I'm a complete blonde and managed to forget my camera EVERYWHERE we went, but I did manage to find a good picture of the huge Christmas tree in the Destin commons where we spent a good bit of time. We also went to the infamous Fudpuckers where Nick worked for 5 years. The whole place was gorgeous and it was so good to see Nick again. But tomorrow it's back to Tallasnazzy for one last semester of school.

Good luck to everyone in 2010!