Monday, October 25, 2010

Potential Halloween Costume

I've been a little slow on the Halloween costume this year. Normally I'm ready to go in September, but this year it has come down to the wire. So I thought, "Who or what can I be that doesn't require buying anything new (I'm broke) or doing anything extravagant?" Then NTP asked me to come up with something for him as well. So then I started thinking of couples costumes and came up with... drumroll please...

Ron Burgundy and Veronica Corningstone from Anchorman! Nick just has to slap on a bushy mustache and a suit and I just have to... well... dress like I did for the past three years of on-air reporting. However, I think I'm going to visit Goodwill and try to find a cheap pink suit because the only suits I have are black or navy. Or I may end up going with my black and white tweed skirt and a black blazer. I think we also have some mics hanging around (you can tell we've been in news, huh?) so I don't need to make those. What do ya'll think? Good enough for a last minute costume??

Love, hugs, and smelly pirate hookers...

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