I've been on a writing frenzy today and thought I'd share with ya'll the preface to the new novel I'm working on. It's titled, "The Misadventures on the Road to Love" and will hopefully find its way to completion eventually. Let's be honest, I don't exactly have the best reputation for finishing my books. But I'm praying that this one is the exception. Anyway... since I'm so excited, I figured I would give ya'll a little peak so you can tell me what you think. Be honest!
The search for love is like a road trip. For some lucky people, the ride is a short one. For others, it’s like hopping on I10 in Jacksonville, Florida and wanting to shoot your brains out around Baton Rouge, Louisiana. But like all road trips, the journey to love has its twists and turns, ups and downs, pits stops and speed traps, and I’ve certainly had my fair share along the way.
I’m Madeline Rae Johnson, Maddy Rae for short, and welcome to my incredibly insane love life. I lead a relatively normal life, but when it comes to relationships, I tend to have some weird ones. The kind you can only read in books or see in movies. And no, not The Notebook.
You see, as my friends say, I tend to attract crazies. They call me a “crazy magnet.” I personally don’t think all the guys I’ve dated should be considered loony, but some… well… you get the picture. I’ve come to the conclusion that this unfortunate phenomenon occurs due to a combination of factors.
Factor number one: it’s my nature to see the good in people. I tend to overlook things such as friends warning me, “he’s just not good enough for you” and finding out three years later that he dropped out of high school because he got a girl preggers (word of advice: your friends are always right!), or “the perfect guy” telling me he’s never had a girlfriend… in his entire 25 years of life. Some might see that as a sign. My warped mind thinks, “Aww, he’s waiting for the perfect girl! That could be me!”
Factor number two: the universe is out to get me.
Okay, so I don’t really think the universe has it in for me, but the thought has certainly crossed my mind. On multiple occasions. But that’s beside the point. The point is, that while my love life is twisted, unreal, and often unbelievable (and has been since my first crush way back in pre-school) it makes for a good story. A hilarious one in fact.
So if you’re single and wondering what the heck is wrong with the opposite sex, join the club. And if you’re happily in a relationship, count yourself lucky. Regardless of where you fall in those categories, sit back, relax, grab a bowl of popcorn and buckle up. It’s a bumpy ride.
Let me know what ya'll think! :)