Thursday, November 12, 2009

Partyyyy ;)

First of all, quick update... the relationship status has changed a bit, but I think it's all for the best.

On a lighter note, you should all watch this gem of a video. It will change your life.

You're welcome :)


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Don't hate me!

Ok so I realize I am officially the worst blogger ever and I apologize! As soon as classes got underway things got so crazy. Between 4 senior level polisci and communication classes as well as a super time-consuming advanced sports features class, it's been a tad hectic.

So time for a quick update, reporting is going well. I'm on sunsports just about every Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. I've met so many awesome people through the production program here at FSU (I actually just had an interview with the oh-so-attractive starting quarterback, Christian Ponder, today) and have formed so many great friendships.

The roomies and I love living together. We basically just laugh all night long and make fun of my sugar obsession. :)

In the love department... the special someone I mentioned back in that last post is still around and we're very happy. :) I guess we'll see where things go!

Well that's all for now! I promise to try and be a better blogger!!

Stay classy ;)