First off, Congrats Regis Philbin on your new world record as the person with the most hours on U.S. television!
As most of you know, I've been on the job hunt for a while now. Unfortunately, all I've been able to find are more unpaid internships. So I have finally decided to go ahead and go with another internship. I found one at an international advertising and marketing consulting firm called 360 Creative Inc. that I'm pretty excited/nervous about. It's a three month social media marketing internship with the intent to hire full-time after three months. I also interviewed for another one that I really want, also social media marketing as well as the chance to cover red carpet events, but I haven't heard back from them yet, sadly.

I'm trying to look on the bright side of things and have decided that I'm simply going to do the best I can and work as hard as I can to move up and succeed. How am I going to pay the bills for three months? Good question. It's super tough to get a serving job out here. You have to have quite an extensive serving resume in order to get a job. On a funny note, I was searching through Craigslist trying to find a part time job that would help with the bills, and I accidentally clicked on a janitorial job. I immediately starting laughing hysterically because as it turns out, I'm not even qualified for a janitorial job because I don't have any experience! It was one of those times where you either laugh or cry. I'm praying for faith. God always delivers.

Also, today I plan on writing ALL DAY. It is time to buckle down on my novel. As NTP so wisely said, my dream of publishing a novel will never come true if I keep putting off writing. I do that because sometimes I read over it and hate everything I've written and then get into a mindset that I'm a terrible writer. So I'm fighting that demon today and I'm getting on track.
Wish me luck!
Love, hugs, and pushing through the pain...