My beautiful bestie over at
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too sent me a couple awards that I have yet to formally accept and pass on. So here goes!

Thanks Ky! As well as...
*Each blogger must post these rules.
*Each blogger must list ten random facts/habits about themselves and pass the award on to other recipients.
*The award recipients then need to do the same.
*Don't forget to leave a comment telling the recipients about the award!
1. I love sweet tea more than I've loved several boys.
2. My left eye is half blue and half brown.
3. I've attempted to write a few novels and still seem to think I'll finish one someday.
4. I'm a water bug. LOVE the water.
5. I live for some good NC BBQ.
6. I'd rather drive a stick shift.
7. My best friend could be my twin.
8. I sleep with about 8 pillows.
9. I want a hound dog really bad.
10. Daisies and blue hydrangeas are my favorite flowers. :)
The always hilarious CBK @
Plan Acourtingly
The beautiful Liz @
Let's Learn to Love
and last but not least...
Miss Grits over @
Puttin' on the G.R.I.T.S.
Thanks and enjoy!