Ahhh! I know I keep apologizing for not blogging more regularly, but in my defense I've been very busy and need to work on time management. So with that said... I'll fill y'all in on what I've been obsessing over lately. Well not really obsessing. I would just like to find this and rock it to work, oh I don't know, every day.
However, I do NOT want to pay the $1,000 Bergdorf price tag. No way Jose. So if y'all know of anywhere a poor girl can find some awesome high-waisted pants (that don't look like your grandma's) please help a sister out and let me know!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I'm contemplating heading over to the Academy Awards to see if I can get a glimpse of anyone! If I do, I'll be sure to take some pictures for y'all! Bye now!
Lilly Pulitzer, you're making me drool at work. Not a cute look. I love all holidays, including the love-filled Valentine's Day. If I was single, I went out with my single girlfriends. If I had a date (or two - that was only once though and didn't end well) I enjoyed being wined, dined, popcorned, movied, or whatever. This year will be my second Valentine's Day with NTP and I have no idea what we'll be doing (besides going to work). We do plan on going snow-skiing and snowboarding the weekend before and the weekend after is our birthdays (woohoo!), but I think I'm in for a surprise on V-Day. Which is fine with me! I sure love a surprise! And, yes, I realize it's over a week away, but I get excited. Don't hate.
So in a moment of weakness I looked at Lilly Pulitzer online to take a quick break from work. And oh. my. word. I WANT IT ALL! I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, but imagine some of the adorable Valentine's outfits you could create. Sigh...

Love, hugs, and Lilly...