This is exactly how I feel right now. I'm exhausted! Since I've been MIA for the past few weeks, let me catch y'all up.
I shipped all my stuff home and flew to Orlando on a red-eye flight on which the man behind me proceeded to kick my chair the ENTIRE four and a half hours. I tried to lean my chair back, he'd push it up. Needless to say, I didn't get any sleep. Oh, and I lost my earplanes in the middle of the flight, so decent was super fun on my poor ear.
After I landed I was reunited with my mom and dad (tears from mom and me) and we headed to Tiny Town, Florida. Not 10 minutes into the drive my dad was hounding me about graduate school and the first argument began. Sweet, right? But we survived and made it home, where I immediately went to sleep for... 30 minutes. Long day of errands and then I headed off to Orlando with the bestie for her Bachelorette Partyyyy! We had soooo much fun, even though the minivan (that's right, kickin' it in the minivan!) we all squeezed into got towed during dinner and when we called the police dept. to find which towing company took it they didn't have on record anyone towing it, so then we thought it was stolen and they sent a cop out to stay with us until we found something out, and one of my ex boyfriend's (who is the sister of the bride's good friend) came and picked us up to ferry us back home. Awkward and hilarious at the same time.
Then after that it was off to Blue Ridge, GA for the wedding which was stunning and super fun. I have an amazingly gorgeous best friend and that's all there is too it. Sorry I don't have any pictures up. I was so busy running around setting things up that I never had much time to take some.
Then it was back to Florida for a multitude of doctor's appointments. One of which almost stopped my heart completely. I think I posted a little vague somethin'-somethin' about some "girl" issues I've been having. Well on my last pap, it came back abnormal and they've detected what looks like precancerous cells on my cervix. I'm 22. I FREAKED. Went to the Dr. the next day and she said this isn't anything to get too worried about yet. It's treatable and cervical cancer takes decades to form. So, with God's help and y'all's prayers I should be just fine. It was immensely terrifying at the time though. And speaking of health, I go in for my THIRD ear surgery this Friday. We drive over to Gainesville Thursday for my pre-op and then surgery is Friday morning. Bleh. Hopefully this one will go much better than the last one though.
And to cheer myself up over all of this I had a garage sale this past weekend to get rid of all my old stuff. AKA clothes from middle school, old boyfriend's clothes, old stalker's weird presents, etc. I made a pretty penny and now I'm going shopping. Which actually means I'll just be keeping my friend company while she shops since I'm unemployed and all. But hey, it's all good!
And if you made it this far, bless you. I promise to not be such a Debbie-Downer anymore. I really am feeling much better and am just ready to be past this speed-bump in my life. MOVING FORWARD!