I'm officially the worst blogger ever. Sorry I haven't posted in over a week! :( I'm ashamed.
Anyway, last week was amazing. The bf came to visit me for a whole week and I had a great time introducing him to my crazy, amazing, splendiforous friends up here and showing him around beautiful Tallahassee. We ate at all my favorite restaurants in town, saw the sights, went to Lake Ella, partied it up for CBK's birthday (we made a banner for her and put it outside her door, we also decorated her door with pink and green crepe paper and sat outside with confetti poppers to surprise her at 8:45 a.m. :) She loved it), and watched a ton of movies. Friday afternoon we drove over to St. Augustine for a weekend at the beach to celebrate another friend's birthday. The best part... I GOT TANLINES!!! For all of you that don't know me, this is a BIG deal. I'm a blue-eyed blonde with a ton of freckles. Tanning does not come easy.
Unfortunately, now it's back to reality. Only two more weeks of classes and then one day of exams on exam week. Summer '09 officially begins April 30th around 7 p.m.!!
In other news... I received a call from my reporting professor last week with some exciting news. She called to tell me that she's not sure if the advanced reporting class will be offered in the fall but it looks like it will be. If it is, I definitely have a spot in it. Second bit of good news... the intro reporting class will definitely be offered in the fall and she asked me to be her TA. But wait, it just gets better! She then said she would like to offer me an internship at her station, WCTV, in the fall, saying that an internship with her at WCTV is basically her way of training you to work in her newsroom after graduation. I was practically offered a job after graduation!!!! So now that 74 I got on my poli sci research test last week doesn't even bother me. I've got a job waiting for me anyway!
The future is lookin' bright :)
Congrats!! that's awesome!
:) yay.
that is so cool! go Ally!!
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