Let's get this straight... I don't have the blues, just a case of the mean reds. (In case you aren't already aware, I LOVE Breakfast at Tiffany's.)
Tallahassee is officially Tallanasty for the next few days because it's raining. Nonstop. And storming. Which includes loud and scary bursts of lightning and thunder as I carefully try to walk to classes without getting soaked, slipping and falling on my butt, or trying to maneuver around the MANY flooded areas of campus. (I'm convinced that by tomorrow afternoon the whole campus will be 2 feet underwater and classes will STILL not be cancelled.)
Don't get me wrong, I love a good rain. As long as I'm inside, warm, and either asleep or reading a good book in bed, preferably while cuddling with a)the bf b)the bestie (but she's not much of a cuddler) c) the pseudo-sis d)Coal or e)Luce-goose.
However, 1)none of the above are in Tallanasty. And 2)I have to go outside in this mess to get to class. Blah. And if I DO have to be outside in the rain, I'd like to be doing what Miss Audrey and Mr. Peppard are doing...
So this rain is bringing me down. I need some sunshine.
Love, hugs, and rainboots...
awwe...poor thing
Sadly, reading the book sort of altered my view of the movie since they literally changed the entire ending to make it a love story when it wasn't at all.. oh Hollywood...
I think I'll just appreciate the movie and the book as separate arts.
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